Wireless PCMCIA or USB recommendations

Bruce Marshall bmarsh at bmarsh.com
Fri Oct 12 05:11:51 UTC 2007

On Friday 12 October 2007, Kevin Kempter wrote:
> Hi list;
> I have a friend who bought an HP laptop with a built-in broadcom chip. We
> wiped the pile of rubbish referred to as vista off the laptop and put
> Kubuntu on it. Of course the wireless (a broadcom built in) didn't work so
> I installed the ndiswrapper.
> It seemed to work fine at first but then over the next few weeks
> ndiswrapper started to crash more and more often. My son hapened to bring
> it up while talking to a windows tech support geek and he said that the
> wireless chips in most of the vista laptops have been engineered
> specifically (and exclusively) for the load of rubbish referred to as
> vista, so it doesn't play nice with any other OS by design.  I don't know
> for sure if this is true but I do know that ndiswrapper is crashing a lot
> and the owner of this laptop is a linux newbie which makes things worse.
> I wonder, can anyone make a recommendation for a wireless PCMCIA or
> wireless USB device that will play nice with kubuntu and be reliable?
> Thanks in advance...

I'm using a Netgear WG511T  pcmcia  with feisty.   Works fine.

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