Wireless PCMCIA or USB recommendations

Kevin Kempter kevin at kevinkempterllc.com
Fri Oct 12 04:37:17 UTC 2007

Hi list;

I have a friend who bought an HP laptop with a built-in broadcom chip. We 
wiped the pile of rubbish referred to as vista off the laptop and put Kubuntu 
on it. Of course the wireless (a broadcom built in) didn't work so I 
installed the ndiswrapper. 

It seemed to work fine at first but then over the next few weeks ndiswrapper 
started to crash more and more often. My son hapened to bring it up while 
talking to a windows tech support geek and he said that the wireless chips in 
most of the vista laptops have been engineered specifically (and exclusively) 
for the load of rubbish referred to as vista, so it doesn't play nice with 
any other OS by design.  I don't know for sure if this is true but I do know 
that ndiswrapper is crashing a lot and the owner of this laptop is a linux 
newbie which makes things worse.

I wonder, can anyone make a recommendation for a wireless PCMCIA or wireless 
USB device that will play nice with kubuntu and be reliable?

Thanks in advance...


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