Remote Desktop

Stew Schneider stew.schneider at
Tue Oct 9 02:58:46 UTC 2007

With thanks to Earl Violet for finding for me, I 
tried it on the new box. I've done this on one other installation, 
without a hitch. On this latest box, everything went fine until testing 

 From the local machine, vncviewer localhost:1 gives me a vnc 
authentication failure. From a Windows box, running TightVNC, entry of lights the Connect button. Clicking the connect button 
prompts for password, but I'm then dumped for an authentication failure.

That sounds like a password failure, so

sudo mv /root/.vncpasswd /root/.vncpasswd.sav
sudo vncpasswd /root/.vncpasswd
(enter PASSWORD)

Then, back on the desktop, I ran krfb, set the password at PASSWORD, and 
permitted uninvited connections. No good. I'm still dumped.

Anybody else experienced this? Any suggestions?


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