Just a comment (Something funny)

David McGlone david.mcglone at att.net
Mon Oct 8 23:47:51 UTC 2007

On Monday 08 October 2007 11:19:21 am Knapp wrote:
> > Then there's static electricity.  Lots of things in life
> > are static!
> > --
> > D. Michael McIntyre
> So then, why does "static" electricity jump from place to place?

This was a good one. But I think I've found something that is actually really 
static! Neil Winchurst. The One who got this thread started and 
became "static". I guess he's the type that likes to get something started 
then watch things transpire :-)

Anyone else notice, he opened his mouth then went hiding in the cracks 
somewhere? LOL

Where's that can of raid when you need it? ;-)

David M.

If I received .01 cent for every person
that has to put in their .02 cents
I'd be rich!

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