Storm tracking on Linux and verses MS

Jeremy Anderson jeremy at
Mon Oct 8 02:29:44 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-10-07 at 22:05 -0400, John DeCarlo wrote:
> On 10/7/07, D. Michael McIntyre <michael.mcintyre at>
> wrote:
>         On Sunday 07 October 2007, Knapp wrote:
>         > Spent installing or sleeping? I know that it can take a
>         download some
>         > time to update but this is like saying you work on your
>         clock 24/7. I
>         > would only count the time I spend looking at it or adjusting
>         it. 
>         I agree in principle, but when I go install Linux at someone
>         else's house, I
>         have to wander around in their back yard for an hour or so
>         waiting on all
>         that to finish, so it's time that does count.  There's also no
>         way to know 
>         when it's done unless you're sitting there, so if you wander
>         too long, you
>         might be wasting your own time.
> I know a better way.  Don't install the updates while you are standing
> there. 
> Take notes (if you feel you need to) on all Feisty updates, in case
> there are any you are worried about, and just download those in
> person.  
> The rest you can update overnight - just set a cron job before you
> leave. 
> And if you did it even more frequently, you could build your own
> Feisty CD/DVD with the latest updates already on it.  Not that hard,
> really.   
> -- 
> John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own

Very good advice.  

I remember, back in the day I still worked with it, MS just worked...
Hee Hee...  I mean you didn't have to do a darn thing and it made you
eggs for breakfast.  There were never any updates... Hee Hee.... Oh my
those were the days...  Nowadays, I feel like I want to beat myself up
all day only using linux (mostly *buntu).  Really, it stinks to be able
to make a system do what I want it to.  Maybe a little up front setup...
Really, not as much as I see the MS users around me do when they set up
their system.  

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