Help! Feisty will no longer start X or KDE.

Larry Alkoff labradley at
Sat Oct 6 20:14:35 UTC 2007

Stew Schneider wrote:
> Larry Alkoff wrote:
>> I have had other problems with reboots stalling unless I do a complete 
>> power-down shutdown. If the problem doesn't get solved I'll just wait 
>> and do a complete virgin install of Gutsy when it comes out.
> I wasn't paying attention earlier in the thread, but that rang a bell. 
> Is this perhaps a Dell? Some Dells had a bios problem causing reboots to 
> stall unless preceded by a complete power down.
> stew

Hello Stew.  Not a Dell - just a Intel Core II duo built up with 2 gig 
of ram and a lot of hard disk space.

Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Linux

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