Xorg hanging problems

Brett A. Taylor brett at realbt.com
Thu May 31 21:52:22 UTC 2007

On Thu, 31 May 2007 19:19:11 +0200, "Leticia Hernández"
<aikurn at gmail.com> said:
> I have a very similar problem but I didn't know it was a bug. I just
> assumed I had broken xorg somehow. I'd hoped it would go away with an
> update to Feisty, but no joy :(

Maybe not a bug. Maybe just a config issue. But something that other
people are experiencing. In any case, we need to get to the bottom of

> > What's interesting to me, and which is what is causing me to write to this
> > list, is that when I use Beryl and Aquamarine such that I'm using Beryl and
> > not Kwin, I never experience these lock-ups.
> Interesting indeed, I noticed that too.

Very interesting. Thanks for confirming this. Have you also noticed that
when it does hang and the CPU spikes, the KDE window decorations (the
title bar around windows that contains the min/max/close buttons)

What video card and driver are you using?

> > Any ideas anyone has would be appreciated. It's becoming very annoying to have
> > to restart my X session every time I sit down at the computer.
> In my case, it only starts to hog CPU when the PC is been in "energy
> saving mode" (I don't remember the exact name in English, sorry) for
> some time. It may be my imagination but I think that if I leave one
> window open on the desktop, not maximized, the hogging does not happen
> or happens less often.

Hmm. I can't say I've noticed this. What type of CPU do you have?

Thanks for the response!


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