Konqueror and javascript Solved

Nigel Ridley nigel at rmk.co.il
Thu May 31 16:41:43 UTC 2007

Nigel Ridley wrote:
> I am redesigning one of my websites and have included a javascript to rotate a 
> small collection of photos on the main page (index.html).
> The actual javascript is contained in a separate file and referenced to by a standard:
> <script type="text/javascript" src="bannerad3.js"></script>
> in the <head> section of the html file with:
> <script type="text/javascript">
> // Banner Ad Rotater v3.02
> // Author: Anarchos > anarchos3 at hotmail.com > http://anarchos.xs.mw/bannerad.phtml
> // Courtesy of SimplytheBest.net - http://simplythebest.net/scripts/
> <!--
> myAd = new Banner( 4, 140, 140, "Visit our sponsor", 1, 0 );
> myAd.Ad( "graphics/cyclePics/hadassah_orphanage.jpg", 
> "supported_ministries/hadassah_orphanage/index.html", null, "Hadassah Orphanage" );
> myAd.Ad( "graphics/cyclePics/nyansakai.jpg", 
> "supported_ministries/nyansakai/index.html", null, "Nyansakai Light Worship 
> Sanctuary" );
> myAd.Ad( "graphics/cyclePics/tony_palma.jpg", 
> "supported_ministries/TonyPalma/index.html", null, "Tony Palma" );
> myAd.output();
> // -->
> </script>
> in the appropriate part in the <body> section.
> It works great in Firefox but Konqueror doesn't load it and complains:
> Error: file:///home/nigel/IAM-websites/OliveRoot/OliveRoot_New/index.html: 
> ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Banner
> Is there a known problem with Konqueror and javascript?
> Blessings,
> Nigel

Thanks to Donn it now woks :-)
The problem (and the solution)? Apparently the name of the js file.
Changing it to bann3.js makes it work
and in the <head> section:
<script type="text/javascript" src="bann3.js"></script>

Thanks again to Donn for his help.



OliveRoot Ministries


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