KDE Menu's

damian misc at daminator.com
Thu May 31 15:13:17 UTC 2007

Donn wrote:
>> I knew the app for moving things around in the menus in Gnome, but what
>> is it in KDE (or do you move links around somewhere on the disk more
>> like Windows?).
> Right click K -> Menu editor.
I really should have clicked around a bit first shouldn't I!
Sorry about that!

What about knowing which bits are Gnomes and which are specific to KDE? 
I know most apps can be used in either, but don't want to be messing 
with the wrong ones system settings.

And if I delete something from a menu in KDE, will it be gone from a 
Menu in Gnome?

So many questions! Just trying to get into KDE a bit so that I don't go 
straight back to Gnome before I give it a chance.


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