KDE Menu's

damian misc at daminator.com
Thu May 31 14:20:51 UTC 2007

Hello all,

I've just installed Kubuntu Desktop on top of Ubuntu and, as I expected, 
my menu's are now a bit messy.

I knew the app for moving things around in the menus in Gnome, but what 
is it in KDE (or do you move links around somewhere on the disk more 
like Windows?).

Also, could someone give me a guide as to what should be in the menu and 
what's from Gnome? I don't want to have only Gnome apps in Gnome and KDE 
apps in KDE, but at the same time, I don't want Gnome's configuration 
apps showing up in KDE and visa versa.

Hope that makes sense. Looking forward to reading any help.


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