Konqueror and javascript
Nigel Ridley
nigel at rmk.co.il
Thu May 31 09:44:10 UTC 2007
Donn wrote:
> Nigel,
> Can you show the bannerad3.js ?
* Banner Ad Rotater v3.02
* Anarchos > anarchos3 at hotmail.com
* http://anarchos.xs.mw/bannerad.phtml
function Banner(refreshTime, width, height, altText, start, random){
this.objName = "bannerAd" + (Banner.count++);
eval(this.objName + "=this");
if (!refreshTime) this.refreshTime = 5000; else this.refreshTime = refreshTime*1000;
if (!width) this.width = 460; else this.width = width;
if (!height) this.height = 68; else this.height = height;
if (random == null) this.random = 1; else this.random = random;
this.altText = altText;
this.ads = [];
if (start) this.currentAd = start-1; else start = null;
this.mySize = 0;
this.Ad = function(src, href, target, mouseover) {
var tempImage = new Image();
tempImage.src = src;
this.ads[this.mySize] = new Object();
var ad = this.ads[this.mySize];
ad.src = src;
if (typeof(target) == "undefined" || target == null) ad.target = "_self"; else
ad.target = target;
ad.href = href;
ad.mouseover = mouseover;
this.link = function(){
var ad = this.ads[this.currentAd];
if (ad.target == "_self"){
location.href = ad.href;
else if (ad.target == "_blank" || ad.target == "_new"){
open(ad.href,this.objName + "Win");
else top.frames[ad.target].location.href = ad.href;
this.showStatus = function(){
var ad = this.ads[this.currentAd];
if (ad.mouseover) status = ad.mouseover;
else status = ad.href;
this.randomAd = function(){
var n;
do { n = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.mySize)); }
while(n == this.currentAd);
this.currentAd = n;
this.output = function(){
var tempCode = "";
if (this.mySize > 1){
if (this.currentAd == null) this.randomAd();
if (this.currentAd >= this.mySize) this.currentAd = this.mySize - 1;
tempCode = '<a href="javascript:'+this.objName+'.link();"';
tempCode += ' onMouseOver="' + this.objName + '.showStatus(); return true"';
tempCode += ' onMouseOut="status=\'\';return true">';
tempCode += '<img src="' + this.ads[this.currentAd].src + '" width="' + this.width;
tempCode += '" name="' + this.objName + 'Img" height="' + this.height + '" ';
if (this.altText) tempCode += 'alt="'+this.altText + '" ';
tempCode += 'border="0" /></a>';
} else document.write("Error: two banners must be defined for the script to work.");
this.newAd = function(){
if (!this.random){
if (this.currentAd >= this.mySize)
this.currentAd = 0;
else {
this.nextAd = function(){
document.images[this.objName+ 'Img'].src = this.ads[this.currentAd].src;
Banner.count = 0;
> You should trace that Banner object down with some alert calls and find out
> when it is in scope - i.e. available.
How do I do that?
> /d
OliveRoot Ministries
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