
Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at gmail.com
Thu May 31 04:09:59 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 30 May 2007 02:06:07 pm John Germain wrote:
> I have just converted over to  Kubuntu and am trying set up Kontact.  Can
> anyone walk me through this - I have tried every host name that I know but
> nothing is working.

What are you trying to do with Kontact?  A few more details may help.

However, just a hint, if you can't ping it from a shell kontact can't either.  
Your network has to be working properly first.  You may want to do an 
nslookup and see if you can determine what the ip address is of the host 
names you are trying to get to. (for whatever reason you're trying to get to 
nslookup example:
you at yourpc:~$ nslookup
> set type=mx
> gmail.com

Non-authoritative answer:
gmail.com       mail exchanger = 5 gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com.
 ------ some lines snipped --------

Authoritative answers can be found from:
alt1.gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com internet address =
 ------ some lines snipped --------

(mx = mail exchange)
All you need to use the above example for is to verify that you are able to 
pull mx record info from your dns properly.  

And, if you are trying to convert from another mail client get the SMTP 
settings for each account from the old client.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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