can´t alter display resolution on new dapper install

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Wed May 30 12:31:40 UTC 2007

anthony baldwin wrote:

>My wife bought a new computer, with xpmedia edition, and asked me to 
>install Linux for her to give it a try.
>(She´s used windows forever, but has seen my use Linux since we married, 
>and noted how
>I don´t have any of the viruses, crashes, etc., and wants to give it a 
>I partitioned the drive and installed dapper (since that´s what I´m 
>still using, being slow to
>adopt upgrades until bugs are worked out), and everything went lovely, 
>the display is set at 640 x 480.
>Her graphics card and monitor should allow at least 1024 x 768.
>I can see these options in the xorg.conf,
>but don´t seem to be able to modify the value in the systems preferences 
>even in administrator mode.
>any assistance would be deeply appreciated.
I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and everything is fine.
agora, oxala que puder escutar o grande vale fm de ipatinga nele...
so toca com wmp.


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Version: 3.1
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--------END GEEK CODE----------

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