Wrong timezone shown in Control Centre
Andrew Jarrett
jarrett.andrew at gmail.com
Fri May 25 00:50:31 UTC 2007
On 5/24/07, mark Fraser <kubuntu at mfraz.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
> When I installed Kubuntu 7.04 I set my timezone as europe/london, but the
> control centre shows it as europe/guernsey and even if I click on
> administrator I can't change it.
Are you in the KDE control center or the system settings? If you are
trying to use system settings, then try the KDE control center (I
think the command is "kcontrol", but I am not 100% on that).
> Went to a local Linux user group this evening and it turns out that it
> isn't just me.
Sure... ;)
> Is this a bug, or are we all doing somethig wrong?
It could be a bug -- I have found a bug in "system settings" before.
You may want to browse around on launchpad and see if it is a known
bug before you rack your brain on it anymore though. If you think it
is an unknown bug, then make sure to file a bug report on launchpad.
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