clean install of Kubuntu

anthony baldwin anthony.baldwin01 at
Thu May 24 04:53:34 UTC 2007

>I'm not talking about backing up, but rather making a separate partition
>so the folder won't be erased at all during reinstalls.
>Matt Flaschen

I should do that, too...
I have to say, I used other distros for about 6 yrs before coming 
recently to Ubuntu,
and I had never heard of this idea.  Now, that I have, it makes so much 
sense, and I have to wonder
why I never saw the suggestion on the rh/fedora lists.
Of course, just because it makes so much sense, I never would have 
thought of it on my own...

But, here again, would it not be useful to have a /home directory
containing all the config stuff that gets updated with a new install,
and, a second /home just for all of my data, photos, music, docs, etc 
(like /myhome, or /home2 or something)
on the other partition, that doesn´t contain program configs and such?

You´ll have to forgive me for appearing ignorant.
First of all, I´m a linguist, and amateurish at best in respect to these 
I´m trying to wrap my already over-taxed brain around these concepts.
I´m up way past my bedtime, working, and, earlier tonight I was 
translating a French contract to English, and assisting my wife with an 
English to Spanish translation (which I am now correcting),
during which we conversed in Portuguese (since that is her native 
languge, being Brazilian),
and, I have to confess, these last two brains cells I managed
to salvage after nine years of ¨higher learning¨ (& GDead summer tours) 
are, at this point,
desperately, and unsuccessfully, attempting to cling to some semblance 
of sanity,
a grip that is tenuous at best.
I need more coffee...
Forgive me for rambling....oh that an oreo cookie?


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