Earlier functionality difficult to find

H.M. Gladney hgladney at gmail.com
Sat May 19 14:39:03 UTC 2007

In Kubuntu 7.04 "Feisty Fawn".

(1) In an earlier Ubuntu release (6.10 with KDE desktop) Kmenu could be
configured to remember and show 9 recently invoked applications.  This
functionality seems to be missing in Kubuntu 7.04.  Is this deliberate?  If
so, why?  And how can I obtain this functionality?

(2) Where are the entry points for configuring screensaver delay times and
screen turn-of delay times for power saving?  In the book "Practical KDE"
(published in 2000) Chapter 5, screensaver control is described as
functionality of the KDE Display settings dialog box.  I can find no
equivalent functionality in the Kubuntu 7.04 System Settings box.  Is this
omission deliberate?  If so, why?  And how can I obtain this functionality?

Cheerio, Henry
H.M. Gladney  http://home.pacbell.net/hgladney

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