Connecting to wireless in Kubuntu

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at
Fri May 18 09:24:47 UTC 2007

Derek Broughton wrote:
> O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> O. Sinclair wrote:
>>>> I have managed to get Knetworkmanager to work with wireless. Apparently
>>>> it can be made to work with wired networks too but I have not bothered.
>>>> Am using KNemo to see traffic on active networks.
>>> Apparently?  It "Just Works" (TM).
>> Not on any PC I have installed up to now. Knetworkmanager ignores the
>> wired interface until you comment it out in some config file I cant
>> remember at the moment
> /etc/network/interfaces - but eth0 wasn't set up in
> my /etc/network/interfaces when I installed 
I guess that if I choose not to set any network parameters or use dhcp 
during install  it might happen. I did once comment out my eth0 in this 
file and Knetworkmanager then picked it up. However, application found 
it meaning Kmail would not work etc. So I went back to having wired 
"outside" Knetworkmanager


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