Always open Open Office in English

kk karlok at
Thu May 17 23:59:28 UTC 2007

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> My system is not in English, but I want Open Office to always open in
> English. I know that I can append LANG=C to all the commands that open
> OOo, but there are many: sometimes I click on a file in Konqueror,
> sometimes I open OOo from the K menu, sometimes from within an email,
> and more. Where can I configure OOo to always be in English?
> Note that I'm not looking for an OOo-specific answer. There are other
> apps too, such as The Gimp, that I'd simply prefer for them to be in
> English no matter where I open them from.
I notice that the K menu entries for OOo point to a shell script:

    export OOO_EXTRA_ARG=''
    /usr/lib/openoffice/program/ooqstart  "$@"

Couldn't you put LANG=C in there?  That would be OOo specific, but 
perhaps you could do something similar for other apps.

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