Enabling ACPI on laptop

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Thu May 17 08:11:32 UTC 2007

On 17/05/07, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dotan, judging from other postings re. your various problems I think you
> must have buggered your installation more than a little bit. I would
> actually suggest a reinstall so you get a clean sheet. Read the link I
> sent you earlier all through (it is now 15 pages long) and note down all
> possible problems etc. For example; when I install using alternate CD I
> must disconnect the network and not define any network parameters.
> Otherwise the CD stops at 85%.. and the xserver/xorg problem is outlined
> how to fix. Once you have Powerguidance (very basic but works) then you
> can set the changes in ACPI and get things working.
> Sinclair

I was beginning to think the same thing. However, this morning not
only do the login features work as expected, but also I can suspend
via Klaptop (which I've gone back to for the battery meter icon). I've
using a acpi-settings file somewhere between what you posted and the
default. I'd post it for the sake of others but, like the rest of my
Ubuntu install, it's rather buggered and patchy. I'll document
everything in more detail next time I reinstall, probably later this
year. Note that Suspend does _not_ work via simply shutting the case,
but I can accept that.

Thank you very, very much.

Dotan Cohen


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