Cannot start Beryl

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed May 16 15:23:13 UTC 2007

On 16/05/07, Andy Harrison <aharrison at> wrote:
> Oh, I see.  I thought it provided some functionality for which you
> were looking.  I'm using beryl just fine without it, whatever it is.
> Did you try using these directions to get it working?

I've installed all the things that he suggests. That page needs a
rewrite, though.

> Also, what mods did you make to your xorg.conf?

In order to get a GUI working at all, I had to use my old xorg.conf
from Fedora. My hardware (Dell Inspiron E1505/6400 with the Radeon
X1400) is known to be difficult, and none of the 'fixes' I googled
helped. Beryl was working, just barely, in Fedora, after _lots_ of
tweaking. I'd post the, but I've yet to configure wireless and I'm at
the university now.

Which driver should I be using? That seems to be the key here. If
someone could explain the differences between the vesa, mesa, ati,
fglrx, and radeon drivers I'd really, really, appreciate it. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen

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