Katapult vs Alt+F2 (Was Re: Where is the KDE Control Center)

Alexander Smirnov smirnoff at mail.nnov.ru
Wed May 16 13:11:36 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 16 May 2007, Alexander Smirnov wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 May 2007, Thomas Sperre wrote:
> > Alt+F2 in my eyes, is just a cheap replacement for a shell run in a
> > konsole window ;) which I almost always have open somewhere anyhow. I
> > have configured F12 to launch konsole - that is at least one finger-move
> > less than Alt+F2.
> I think it's better to "apt-get install yakuake" instead of configuring F12
> to launch konsole
> > Alt+F2 loose, either way :P
> Alt+F2 allows running application as different user - katapult sucks :)

> Alt+F2 allows simple calculation (Alt+F2, then type 2+5 and press enter)-
> katapult sucks :)
Oops, I'm already sorry about this :) Katapult allows even not-simple 
calculations, like sin(pi)

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