Reloading user settings after a fresh reinstall

SILVA Luis lacsilva at
Wed May 16 08:58:52 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 16 May 2007 01:47, Larry Hartman wrote:
> The last time I installed Kubuntu I made sure that my /home directory was
> on a separate partition.  I am thinking of reloading feisty as a fresh
> install, my current load is twice upgraded.  I wish to do a fresh install
> of Kubuntu and retain my user settings.
> Can someone give me some guidance or point me to forum entry, etc?  Would
> like to have the general steps laid out for me.
> 1.  Do I need to use the same username and password?
> 2.  Will I have trouble setting up KMail?
> Larry

I have been trough the same a few time and with a few other distros. For me it 
was really easy. 
1) I keep my /home in a separate partition.
2) Yes, you MUST keep your username unless you want to fiddle with milions of 
configuration files by hand. You can change your password, though!
3) Just follow the installer instructions keeping the partition you use 
as /home mounted as /home and untouched and format the rest as you will.
4) After the reinstall, if all went well you just need to login. Nothing 
should be changed except for application  upgrade specific changes.

Good luck


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