Where is the KDE Control Center

Lee Eschen ashgrove at frontiernet.net
Mon May 14 02:13:19 UTC 2007

Ron, you are double posting every post.  Just single click the <SEND> 

The standards I am talking about actually predate Windows.  They 
originated before the Internet, as we know it today, even existed.  The 
predecessor network was created by DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research 
Projects Agency, to permit communications between researchers and 
military folks working on new weapons to  discourage the Soviets from 
attacking the US.  The original standards started back before it was 
finally released for public use.

You will find that those who hold to these standards most effectively 
are the people who use the various Unix flavored op systems, including 
Linux.  It's the Windows users, for the most part, who ignore them.  
That's why you're likely catching more flak here than you do on your 
other lists.


Lee Eschen
Ashgrove Visual Arts

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