Where is the KDE Control Center

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Sun May 13 23:42:16 UTC 2007

Mark Wallace wrote:

>> Konqueror / Settings / Configure Konqueror / File Associations is one
>> way.
>> Probably through "System Settings", too.
> Konqueror/ settings/configure settings only lists the google search plug
> in and says that it is not configurable.

Konqueror has ~7 different "Configure" options in the Settings menu (I'm not
willing to commit to an exact number, but that's what shows right here - it
could change depending on the "view" you're using and the version).  The
Google Search settings are on the second one - Configure Extensions.  I've
got "Configure Views", "... Spell Checking", "... Shortcuts", "...
Toolbars", "...Konqueror" and "...Editor" as well.

> I'm top posting because threads are getting so long that I can't even
> find replies that some people are making.   

Then _trim_.  Posting replies to previous points above what you're quoting
makes conversation impossible.

> This is the only chat room 
> that I belong to where anybody has a problem with it.

This is not a chat room, it's a mailing list, and mailing lists have a well
established netiquette.  You are probably reading it through a gated web
forum, but it's polite to treat it as the mailing list it is - it's not our
fault people like UbuntuForums put the list onto web pages.

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