Where is the KDE Control Center

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Sat May 12 15:16:44 UTC 2007

On Saturday 12 May 2007, Mark Wallace wrote:
>The documentation keeps telling me to make changes in the KDE Control
>Center but I can't find it.  Where is the KDE Control Center

I'm on FC6, and some fairly recent kde update threw away fully half of my 
kmenu entries including the whole multimedia category, and re-arranged all 
the others.  One of the losses was Control Center, but that's an acronym for 
kcontrol.  Maybe you can do as I did, and use the menu editor to add it back 
into the kmenu?

kcontrol itself is still there and fully functional on my machine.

>Robert Mark Wallace
>Tita Palaca Wallace
>Regina E P Wallace
>R M Ceferino P Wallace
>60 Delaware Road
>Newburgh, NY 12550-3802
>Telephone: (845) 566-0586
>More people use Linux than Apple.  To get Linux for FREE,
>go to www.kubuntu.com

Cheers, Gene
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