Access to /etc/network blocked

Derek Broughton news at
Wed May 9 16:44:19 UTC 2007

H.M. Gladney wrote:

> Access to the "/etc/network" directory is being denied to a Konqueror
> execution.  In order to test whether this was because some other
> application held exclusive access, I killed all applications except
> Konqueror, rebooted and obtained the same result.
> Subsequent checks in a terminal session revealed:
> From "ls -l /etc"
> drwxrwxr--  6 root   root      4096 2007-04-16 22:19 network
> From "ls -l /etc/network"
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root  230 2007-05-08 07:50 interfaces
> What's happening, and what can/should I do now?

What does "ls -ld /etc/network" show?  Just because interfaces is world
(!!!) writeable doesn't mean that anything else in the directory is.

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