Well, THAT was stupid!

WJ Seidl wjsvt at sover.net
Tue May 8 13:03:11 UTC 2007

Well, I guess I'm up for "Bonehead of the Year".
On the system I set up with Kubuntu Feisty, I had
(originally) installed AVG antivirus, thinking I needed it.  Long story 
short, it kept hosing the system
while I was trying to install ClamAV.  I had made AVG a member of the 
"root" group
because of the error message that said I needed to make it a member of 
the group in order to run updates
(it's back a while ago in the posts). Big mistake. (This is how newbies 
learn, I guess.)

Thinking I knew what I was doing (another big mistake), I went to Konsole
and "sudo apt-get remove AVG*" believing that it would search out all 
AVG files and remove them.

Sigh.  Took almost everything away (DUH! of course, being a root member)
No more packages I had installed, etc. It even removed ClamAV. KDE still 
works, but it's limited.  Packages that installed into
their own folders or different groups are still there, AFAIK. I see some 
of them from the K-menu.

Hindsight being 20/20 <g>....does anyone know how I can reformat the 
drive partition and
start again? Specifically...will putting in the iso CD of Feisty I 
originally used offer me the option
of reformatting during the re-install?  I guess recovery without having 
made a backup is pretty much not an option.

If it comes to it, I can go into the Windows partition on the same drive 
and boot to that.
(I have other Windows systems, I don't care if I wipe the drive clean 
and start fresh; actually,
I think I would prefer that...this was a box I'm setting up to learn 
Linux.  Oh yeah, I'm learning <g>.
I'm finding this all very amusing.  It's like being a kid again with my 
first computer.

WJ Seidl

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