Gateway install

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at
Tue May 8 01:22:11 UTC 2007

Stew Schneider wrote:
> I bought a Gateway laptop with Vista on it, and tried to install Dapper 
> or Edgy, don't remember which. Might have tried both. The CD was 
> recognized, and started, but hung, unable to find the SATA drive. That 
> annoyed me sufficiently that I gave the machine away. The recipient is 
> trying to install XP on it and having the dickens of a time doing that.
> What do you do if you have SATA drives? Is there a way to install?
> stew

I would try Feisty.  The hard disk drivers have changed a lot.  You may
have better (or worse...) luck.

Matt Flaschen

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