function keys dead in 6.06 LTS Live dvd installation, need them badly.

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Sat May 5 13:28:16 UTC 2007

On Saturday 05 May 2007, Ron Morse wrote:
>On Sat, 2007-05-05 at 08:09 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Greetings;
>> Maybe I didn't state the problem well enough before.
>> It appears the function keys are all disabled or intercepted by the x
>> server, on an install based on the 6.06 live dvd.
>That's very odd.  You say nothing at all happens when you press
><ctrl>+<alt>+<F1>?  (<ctrl>+<alt><F7> will restore you in case something
>does happen...<g>).

I have no idea if those combo's work, but I'd suspect that they would work 
just fine.  Those are not what I'm referring to however, the ones I want are 
those keys, without any shift-alt-ctrl-or-winders modifiers, just the plain 
old F1 through F12 keys all by themselves.  For some totally unk reason, they 
are totally non-responsive when 6.06 is installed from the live dvd.  But 
they worked just fine when that box was installed from the original 
kubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso cd.

So I guess I reinstall again, this time from the cd, since the live dvd is 
labeled as kubuntu-6.06.1-dvd-i386.iso.  Note the 6.06.1, whatever the .1 
means. By the time I get the rest of the software installed on top of that, 
it will be at least a 'rest of the day' operation, and that's about a 10-34 
tor vacuum.

Thanks to all who opined on this.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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