Install 2nd hdd with existing XP install for dual boot? (hijacked - was Re: memory stick question)

anthony baldwin anthonybaldwin at
Fri Mar 30 10:27:52 UTC 2007

grumpy wrote:

>On Thursday 29 March 2007 03:36:35 pm D. Michael McIntyre wrote:
>>On Thursday 29 March 2007 2:37 pm, Donn wrote:
>>>RAM is hell. Expensive hell. I try to go up in identical increments. I
>>>have never had any luck mixing modules - even from the same manufacturer.
>>I'm with Donn on this one.  What ever happened to 72-pin SIMMs anyway?  Now
>>we have 973 different kinds of RAM, in 475 different increments, with
>>385,000 different possible configurations.
>>I never upgrade RAM anymore.  I have no idea WHAT the hell to buy.
>This has worked for me...sometimes
>>D. Michael McIntyre
Heh, Tigerdirect is where I am ordering the machine.
Tigerdirect ROCKS!
Anyway, the machine already comes with 1 512mb DDR2 533 PC2-4200 stick.
So, I figure whatever I get, so long as it is DDR2 PC4200, my machine, 
shouldn´t go *puft*...

Now, the one drawback to the machine is, it comes with a 120gb hdd, with 
Windows XP Media 2005...
So, I figure I will use the 120gb hdd from my present machine in it...
BUT, for certain dubious ¨advantages¨ that having access to windows, 
and,. therefore, certain
industry standard programs (Trados), will supposedly offer me, I 
consider making this a dual boot.
Something I have not yet succeeded in doing is making a dual boot with a 
second/slave hdd.
Tried it, but the machine got confused seeing two MBRs...
I figured configuring the pins on the second/windows drive for slave and 
updating grub to find it would work,
but, if I recall correctly, it didn´t.
I know I could install kubuntu on the windows drive, as a dual boot 
system, and then move all my goodies from this drive over,
but´s just more work than I feel like doing...and I just bought this hdd 
a few months, in September, I think.
Either way, I want Kubuntu to the default OS, and will only boot the XP 
when it becomes ¨advantageous¨
for work purposes...


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