Does Kubuntu support the Intel Quad processor and Sata II

Chris Miller lordsauronthegreat at
Thu Mar 29 20:17:21 UTC 2007

On 3/29/07, Felipe Figueiredo <philsf at> wrote:
> On Thursday 29 March 2007 15:34:28 Chris Miller wrote:
> > I've never heard of a hard drive controller that Linux doesn't support.
> My current mobo (intel D945GTP) has a SATA bus which is not recognizable by
> Debian sarge's kernel (2.6.8). Since Ubuntu Dapper and Edgy never gave me
> trouble, I must assume support for it was included in the kernel after 2.6.8,
> and before 2.6.15.
> That doesn't mean sarge doesn't support SATA at all. It does.

Kernel 2.6.8 is really stale.  Right now we're on 2.6.20.  I know
quad-core is supported because there have been other quad-core chips
before the Intel quad-cores (the Sun Niagra had 16 cores IIRC) so
quad-core isn't a problem.

SATAII should be there.  My SATA150 drivers (for my desktop machine)
have been in the kernel for as long as I can remember, and I've seen
SATAII board floating around for at least two years, so I think you're
more than safe with the setup you've selected.  Buy me one while
you're at it, will 'ya ; )  That's easily 5x more powerful than my
desktop machine (which is an Athlon64 3000+ socket 754).

It's not much, but it's what I call

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