How to list an UUID?

Daniel Pittman daniel at
Wed Mar 28 14:02:01 UTC 2007

"Ali Milis" <almilis at> writes:

> May I know how find the UUID of a file-system and/or swap partition?

blkid(8) is the best way to do that; the core Ubuntu system tools like
the initramfs use that.

> Is there any specific reason: SWAP will always be recreated
> with a new UUID, even if SWAP already exists before?

When you tell Linux to create a file system it, as a rule, takes you at
your word and does just that.  So: if you told it to create swap on a
partition it creates swap.

None of the various tools will guess that you actually meant to keep the
old partition -- a few ask for confirmation, but generally they just do
what you said.

If you don't want your swap partition UUID changed then don't reformat
the swap partition. :)

If you mean "when I installed the system why did the UUID of my swap
change" the answer is: because, generally, I don't think anyone
considered that a high priority use case.

Anyway, if that is what you mean file an enhancement request against the
installer components in launchpad.

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