Syncing a Nokia N70 phone

Daniel Pittman daniel at
Wed Mar 28 00:52:49 UTC 2007

"Jose Gomez-Dans" <jgomezdans at> writes:

> I have a brand new Nokia N70 phone. I would like to sync it with
> kontact on my Kubuntu Edgy laptop, either through USB or Bluetooth.
> Bluetooth seems to work, but where to go from here?

Off to a dark room where you can have a good cry -- your hopes are
unlikely to come to fruition.

The 'opensync' package is the most promising option for performing local
synchronisation between KDE and the phone, but with my testing it still
didn't do very well with the latest release.

The best success I have had requires running your sync process over an
Internet packet data carrier from the phone provider, and using
ScheduleWorld as the service operator.

That took more than a little effort to get right but, finally, did
actually manage to sync correctly with the phone and manage data in
other devices.

You can then use the details it stores from various tools including KDE.

Sorry to give such a dim view of the entire process: this was really a
firm hope of mine and I invested quite a lot of time and effort trying
to get it working.  

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