scp - connection refused (SOLVED)

Kevin Kempter kevin at
Tue Mar 27 05:14:33 UTC 2007

On Monday 26 March 2007 22:57, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> Kevin Kempter wrote:
> > On Monday 26 March 2007 22:22, Matthew Flaschen wrote:
> >> Kevin Kempter wrote:
> >>> Hi List;
> >>>
> >>> I have 2 laptops both running Kubuntu Dapper. I tried to scp a file
> >>> from one laptop to the pother tonite via:
> >>>
> >>> "scp ."
> >>>
> >>> but I get this:
> >>> ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
> >>> lost connection
> >>>
> >>> The same result if I try to scp the other way...
> >>>
> >>> How can I enable/allow scp?
> >>
> >> I believe you simply have to install the ssh daemon on the one you want
> >> to download files from (probably both in your case).
> >>
> >> sudo apt-get install ssh
> >>
> >> Matt Flaschen
> >
> > I do have ssh installed. I can scp from our main servers at work but
> > cannot scp to this box. Maybe there's a config setting somewhere?
> What do you mean you can "scp from our main servers at work"?  Which
> computer are you downloading files /from/?  Ubuntu comes with the ssh
> client software, but if you want it to act as an ssh server (for example
> to allow clients to initiate downloads from an Ubuntu machine), you must
> install ssh server software with the command above.
> Matt Flaschen

Hi Everyone & thanks for your help.

Here's the deal:

I work at a company which has several RedHat servers. From my laptop running 
Dapper I can scp files FROM the RH servers to my laptop, however I could not 
be logged into a RH server and scp from my laptop or even ssh to my laptop 
from any other box. 

I installed the 'ssh client & server traditional package' and everything works 
great. I guess I needed the server like you mentioned above.

Thanks again...

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