Core 2 Duo CPU temperature (with lm-sensors)

Stew Schneider stew.schneider at
Sun Mar 25 13:00:24 UTC 2007

Your emails are getting through, Fred. We found out a few weeks ago that 
if you use gmail and the pop facility, you don't get copies of your own 

Bit annoying, that.


Fred Schaer wrote:
> (It seems to me my first email did not reach the list - Sorry If double 
> posting)
> Hi,
> I found a way to compile the coretemp patch/module for the actual 
> (2.6.17) edgy kernel...
> That way, you don't have to compile a custom kernel (you would still 
> have to patch it if you intended to have C2D temperature support).
> I created a wiki page here :
> Please feel free to comment on this :)
> Cheers

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