Adept failure

Richard S. Crawford rscrawford at
Fri Mar 23 14:51:35 UTC 2007

On Friday 23 March 2007 07:36:50 Arthur Dyck wrote:
> I am trying to use Adept on Kubuntu Edgy and get the following error
> message:
> Database Locked - Adept Installer.  Another process is using the packaging
> system database (probably Adept or apt-get or aptitude).  Please close the
> other application before using this one.
> I don't have anything else open.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Arthur


$ ps -aux | grep adept

to see what other Adept processes might be running, then kill those processes 
with sudo kill.  Adept can be a slippery little bugger at times, and leave a 
process running in the background, even if you don't have one running on your 

Once you've killed the process, run:

$ sudo apt-get update

Chances are, you will get an error message; and broken adept process is liable 
to leave your apt database a bit broken.  If so, execute:

$ sudo dpkg --configure -a

(or whatever the previous command showed you, if anything) to clear things up.

Good luck.

Richard S. Crawford (
Editor In Chief, Daikaijuzine (
AIM: Buffalo2K / GTalk: underpope at
"You can't trust your judgement when your imagination is out of focus."
		(Mark Twain)

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