Dapper -> Edgy and blank screen after splash

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Thu Mar 22 17:30:26 UTC 2007

> I cant see what happened in the boot cause I cant switch
> to any other console.. 
Even with Ctrl + Alt + F1 (or F2) ?

If not, try rebooting and then go into GRUB as it loads (hit esc) and try the 
recovery mode. I *think* that drops you into a console. From there try 
running : sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
Answer all the questions as best as you can and then try run KDE with: startx

> The computer is running, I can even 
> hit ctr+al+del to reboot, but I cant switch the cosoles.
To reboot when you are in trouble like that try:
Ctrl + SysRq + R = Raw keyboard mode
Ctrl + SysRq + U = Unmount stuff (give it a moment to work)
Ctrl + SysRq + B  = Reboot.

SysRq is the key with "Print Screen" on it. I know it's one heck of a stretch 
across the keyboard, I use both hands :)


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