Graphic card and TFT

Sven Richter sveri-list at
Wed Mar 21 06:14:14 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 20 March 2007 23:34:33 Chris Miller wrote:
> On 3/20/07, Sven Richter <sveri-list at> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > i want to buy myself a new monitor and Graphiccard.
> > I decided for a 24" TFT and a nvidia card like the 7950 GT
> > and i want to keep my old 19" TFT as second screen.
> Awesome.  Yeah, the drivers all work, and making a dual-monitor config
> in Xorg isn't that hard.  It's actually really easy on Kubuntu with
> the systemsettings app (aka System Settings, you know, the little guy
> that you plug KControl widgets into).
Yeah, Awesome for me too, as a student i never had that
much money, but scince i earn regularely a lot of money
with poker its affordable :-)

I just was unsure about it because i read somewhere
that the drivers have to support reduced balancing.
Whatever this may be...

> > Are they yet supported?
> NVIDIA has some of the best Linux drivers out there.
I hope so, after going for some years with Ati
and fuzzling a lot around with it i finally
want to switch back to nvidia.

I remember 3 years ag it took me 2 weeks
to get my ati drivers running, no comparison
to my last install, but i also want to try out
beryl and all the funny things which are not 
supported by ati.

At least i have a problem with watching
tv on my computer (see the other thread
i wrote one week ago) and i hope this
goes away with the new graphiccard.

Thx for the infos


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