gatos and ATI 1st msg (Jonathan Kaye)
Christophe Guilbert
cguilbert at
Tue Mar 20 20:43:21 UTC 2007
Thanks Jonathan,
I don't even know myself what I really want because I am lost ;-) (I am
a linux guy for 10 years) I love Linux (installed on my 7 computers at
home) but I am kind of tired of reading how things works now.
Anyway the confusion comes from that gatos is also supposed to be a
driver for my video card , and they are at least 3 drivers for my
video card, the one provide by gatos should be ATI (in xorg.conf), and
apparently merge with the official xorg 7.xx driver. but when you google
for gatos/kubuntu, you find patches and link provided. you are said to
find the last patch in some ftp/directory wich are reading protected so
you can't see the latest patch. In any case , I assume that if gatos
come with kubuntu , you should not need to patch it.
Any way , this is the jungle to me !
I'll try to read more about gatos and definitely run those exe your
Thanks a lots for your help.
>> Hi guys ,
>> I am trying to use edgy (6.10) as a multimedia PC using a ATI radeon all
>> in wonder.
>> I install Gatos using adept and so what !!??? :-( what should I do ? I
>> am completely lost. how should I configure Gatos. All the tutorial out
>> there deal with patches and complicate fix. /Is gatos installed by
>> adept not enough by itself ?/
>> Thanks for any help
>> Chris
> Hi Chris,
> I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to do. The gatos package has the
> following executables:
> usr/bin/atisplit
> usr/bin/atitogif
> usr/bin/atitojpg
> usr/bin/atitoppm
> usr/bin/atitv
> You might try running one or the other of these depending on what you want
> to do.
> Cheers,
> Jonathan
> ------------------------------
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