Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Mar 20 13:16:59 UTC 2007

Matthew Flaschen wrote:

> Gerald I. Evenden wrote:
>> On Monday 19 March 2007 3:13 pm, Derek Broughton wrote:
>> ...
>>> Then you're doing it the wrong way:
>>> # aptitude install postgresql postgresql-client
>>> will get you the server, the client, and all the support software.  This
>>> is a debian-based OS - you never need to worry about dependencies.
>> Probably so.  I went back and "removed" everything I did and executed the
>> above 'aptitude' line.  It installed version 7. and muttered about
>> updating
>> to version 8. .  If it goes this far why didn't it do 8 in the first
>> place? Oh well, we will ignore it for the moment.
> Try:
> sudo aptitude remove postgresql postgresql-client
> sudo aptitude install postgresql-8.1 postgresql-client-8.1

Sorry, Matthew's right, I didn't check that "postgresql" actually dependend
on the most recent version of the database (which is the way these things
usually work...).  I think it used to, but then the maintainers decided
they needed to be able to run multiple versions of the database at the same
time.  It's always a trade-off - you can have a system that will always run
the most recent available version of the software, by installing a virtual
package that depends on the most recent version and using
the "dist-upgrade" facility of apt but then you can only have two versions
running side-by-side by jumping through major hoops.

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