question about locate

Juan Carlos Torres carlosdgtorres at
Mon Mar 19 23:53:56 UTC 2007

On Tuesday 20 March 2007, Oscar Farfán wrote:
> Hello there
> I'm triying to locate a document in my computer but I can't use locate....

Locate is a bit quirky compared to find or kfind (K Menu -> Find). It's faster 
than find because it sorts of creates an index (or database) of files at 
every boot and searches that database instead of going through every folder 
(like what find does). The problem is that it doesn't automatically add newly 
created files to that database. So if you downloaded or created a new file, 
locate won't be able to find them unless you update the database, using "sudo 
updatedb" command.

You can probably use the more powerful "find" command or kfind, as the others 
have suggested.

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