GUI for CD/DVD writing in Kubuntu 7.04

adams k7qo at
Mon Mar 19 16:28:04 UTC 2007

Since k3b is broken at the present time due to
cdrecord being replaced with whodim, what GUI
are people using in Kubuntu 7.04?

The use of "apropos" and info give me no clues.
No leads in Kmenu either.

When you bring up k3b and build a CD to burn
and then start the burn you get the following:

cdrecord returned an unknown error (code 255).
Unknown error 255
If you are running an unpatched cdrecord version...
...and this error also occurs with high quality media...
...and the k3b FAQ does not help you...
...please include the debugging output in your problem report.

and there you have it.


Chuck Adams, K7QO   k7qo at   personal web page

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