Failed to list files in /camera

Donn donn.ingle at
Mon Mar 19 06:57:33 UTC 2007

> All hell broke loose and I had to use the backup of xorg.conf to start X
> again.
Sorry about that. It seems strange that X would not run when those entries 
were removed as they were not exactly vital or anything. Then again, I am 
from the "hack it and see" school not the "I grok the details" one.

> Then I tried to change from the "wacom"-entries to "input/event". Result
> was the same: Failed to list files in camera.
My hair rustles faintly in the breeze as this issue streaks over my head :)

> I suspect the failure in the upgrade to libgphoto2....~edgy1 to ~edgy2
> as Jim MacLeod mentioned. How can I downgrade to the old packages?
Here I can give a theory lesson, but have no practical examples:

How to downgrade stuff:
1. <x> is too high a version number.
2. apt-cache showpkg <x>
Look for the version number in the Versions section at the top. Find an older 
Find the version number in some other way
3. sudo aptitude install <x> = version_number
That's the magic line, the equals sign is the trick.



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