latest /upgraded KDE version with Dapper (6.06)

Daniel Pittman daniel at
Sun Mar 18 23:42:46 UTC 2007

Kevin Kempter <kevin at> writes:

> I'm running Kubuntu 6.06 but I want the more recent version of KDE
> utilities like kopete - like those in Edgy eft. Can I add a repository
> to apt or adept and get these ?

Are you sure you want that and not, say, simply upgrading to Edgy?

If you upgrade you have committed to another upgrade within a year[1]
but, really, if you want the newer versions of software then that
commitment probably isn't a huge problem.


[1]  Technically 18 months from the release of Edgy, but that is about
     five and a half months back now. ;)

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