kernel build... howtos don't help

Fred Schaer fred.schaer at
Sat Mar 17 12:11:53 UTC 2007

Wow..... veeeeeeery sorry about sending so many emails !

My ISP's SMTP was *apparently* failing to send emails, but it seems it 
sent them anyway...
I hate my ISP and all french ISP :'(


Fred Schaer a écrit :
> Hi,
> I downloaded the ubuntu kernel using "git" (I patched it with the 
> core2duo coretemp stuff), and I'm now trying to build this...
> I followed the howtos, looked in google, in the kernel docs, but I'm 
> still stuck.
> Whenever I try to compile this 2.6.20 kernel using the new "debian way" 
> (the debian/rules thing), I get the following error :
> ******
> [lots of things]
> ====== making target build [new prereqs: stamp-build]======
> sed: can't read Module.symvers: No such file or directory
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/ubuntu-2.6/debian/build/build-386'
> Checking module listings...
> Modules have gone missing:
> [all modules to build listed here]
> Will not continue!
> make: *** [build] Erreur 1
> ******
> ..... Uh ? I read in the kernel docs that the Module.symvers file had to 
> be built using a whole kernel build, and I suceeded in buildin it using 
> the "old debian way" (make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --initrd 
> --append-to-version=fred kernel-image kernel-headers).
> Unfortunately, this old way failed at the end just before it built the 
> packages... anyway, I got this damn Module.symvers file. Now that I got 
> it, I had to clean the kernel sources tree (the debian/rules file was 
> not the original one - why ??) and retry the debian/rules stuff... to 
> see that it's still failing saying modules have gone missing....????? 
> Now, it doesn't complain about the file missing, but it says nothing 
> else than in the previous error message.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
> Thanks
> Frederic

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