anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Fri Mar 16 07:05:35 UTC 2007

On 15/03/07, Phil Bieber <philbieber at> wrote:
> Hi!
> A fairly easy way to remove all VMWARE leftovers: (did that myself, cuz I
> messed up an installation... )
> Open a shell an type
> sudo updatedb
> this will update the file database used by locate to find files
> the run
> locate vmware
> and remove all findings except maybe installation files and such. Then you
> ought to be able to install vmware.

Are you kidding? What if he has a file howto-install-vmware.txt on his
system? You should NOT recommend to users to blindly erase everything
they find. You cannot expect what he has on his system. I don't mean
to attack you but that was a foolish, irresponsible, and potentially
dangerous suggestion.

Dotan Cohen

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