anyone running Kubuntu & vmware, or kubuntu & codeweavers?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu Mar 15 17:55:39 UTC 2007

On 15/03/07, Art Alexion <art.alexion at> wrote:
> On Sunday 11 March 2007 17:44, Kevin Kempter wrote:
> > Anyone running vmware with Kubuntu? Codeweavers?
> >
> > Any known issues?
> Codeweavers (CrossOver) seems fine in itself.  Issues arise when you try to
> run "unsupported apps".  Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't.
> Sometimes tweaking gets them to work, othertimes, it doesn't.
> Try the evaluation copy with the apps you want to run.
> CrossOver creates independent windows "bottles" and recommends a separate
> bottle for each app.  That will not work if your apps are interdependent.  In
> that case, you have to put them in the same bottle, and you have to install
> them in a sequence where the dependencies are met.  For example, many windows
> apps need IE6 to connect to the internet.  In that case you have to install
> IE in that bottle before you install the app.  After you have installed IE,
> CrossOver will suggest that you install your app in a different bottle.  That
> is bad advice, because you created the bottle and added the dependencies so
> that you could install the desired app in the same bottle.
> Also, it is important to use the control panel to configure the version of
> windows that your app expects.  CrossOver seems to default to Win98, while
> the apps that I tried required Win2k.
> As for vmware, I need help.  I downloaded and tried to install vmware but the
> install failed.  I uninstalled what I could, and found a wiki that explains
> ubuntu installs.  I followed the wiki, but that install failed because it
> detected the remnants of the prior aborted install.  If anyone thinks they
> can help, I will post the appropriate steps and errors I encountered.

Did you read this?:

Googling "ubuntu install vmware" led me to more info than you'' ever
need. Follow that howto, then when you encounter your first error
start a new thread on the mailing list that describe in detail your
system, the steps that you took, and the error that you recieved.

Dotan Cohen

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