No sound on Feisty on ThinkPad

Malcolm Yates mdy at
Tue Mar 13 23:53:48 UTC 2007

I'll reply to this one as it was the latest .....

On Friday 09 March 2007 15:15:39 Chris Miller wrote:
> On 3/9/07, Brad De Vries <devriesbj at> wrote:
> > Malc, I'm not sure if this will be helpful but a long time ago I had
> > an IBM ThinkPad T20 with Breezy Badger installed.  Every time I booted
> > I had no sound until I pressed the volume up or volume down button on
> > the keyboard.  It was as though the system "thought" the volume was OK
> > but it was really set to "0".  Once I hit the volume up or down
> > button, it reset to a level I could hear.  Because it happened every
> > time I booted up, I made it part of the routine, about halfway between
> > entering the user/password and when the system was booted, I hit the
> > up or down button.
> I second that suggestion.  I use an X40, and the sound control for the
> volume buttons are hardware-based, so you have to check both the
> buttons and the KMix icon (for the software and hardware end of the
> problem.)
hmm. Thanks for all the suggestions. Just to make sure we all know that I have 
done the basics (!) .... when I mentioned the might of Canonical support, I 
mean just that - and we went through all of the obvious stupid things. The 
support was hands on as well, btw

I also have the problem with Ubuntu ( I actually run KDE on Ubuntu to make 
things more interesting ). Very odd.

The volume 'panel' comes up when I increase / decrease the volume. All the 
mixer sliders are set sensibly ....

I have also tried through a wind*ws xp system that I can dual boot, and that 
is fine.

I can see a fresh install coming with Feisty GA code.

Oh well.


> --
> It's not much, but it's what I call

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