KMenu and Multiple Users

Kyle Hamar kyle.hamar at
Sun Mar 11 18:24:12 UTC 2007

On 3/11/07, Larry Hartman <larryhartman50 at> wrote:
> I spent a good bit of time making changes to my KMenu that make sense to me
> and my family.  How do I transfer this new menu arrangement from my account
> to other user accounts?

Just copy your .desktop files from the terminal.

First, locate the new files created for your (local) user. These
should be located in your home folder (probably at
~/.local/share/applications). Each new entry in your menu will be a
*.desktop file.

Copy these files to: /usr/share/applications
Change the ownership to root:root with +r for users, groups, other

All other users will then have the menu entries you have created.
Removing files from this location should reverse the process -
although removing items you did not create may not be so simple.


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