Question from newbie

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Fri Mar 9 19:48:53 UTC 2007

On Thursday 08 March 2007 10:49 am, Constantin Lungu wrote:
> games executables . I click on it (Cube for example) and no effect. I
> tried the same game on the same computer on SUSE and it worked. The
> same problem on ubuntu. Please  help. Thanks in advance!

Have you kept the same home directory through all these distro changes?  I 
don't know of a game called "Cube."  It seems maybe you have something in 
your user's personal menu that refers to a game you used to have on SuSE.

If you want to try to follow the other person's suggestion, expressed in terms 
a newbie might hope to understand...

Right click on the K menu, and pick Menu Editor.  Click around through the 
various levels of menus until you find a game you want.  For example, click 
on Games, then Arcade, then "Tron-like Game (KTron)."  When you reach the 
level of an individual game, the right field of the window will show you 
fields like "Name:," and "Command:."  The bit you're after is the "Command:," 
which is "/usr/games/ktron -caption "%c" %i %m" in this case.

So open a terminal window (System -> Terminal Program) and then type


at the prompt. The idea is to see what kind of error it gives you by way of 
explaining why the game didn't work.  For example, you might see:

	bash: /usr/games/ktron: No such file or directory

Whatever the error messages, copy them and paste them here, and we'll help you 
figure out what's going wrong.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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